Easy Obstacles
Below is some information for easy obstacles. These obstacles are geared for escapees ages 3 to 6 years old. These can also be incorporated as an element in more advanced traps. Some posts include suggestions on adapting the difficulty rating of the obstacle. Click on the pictures below for details about setting that obstacle. Take photos of your trap, and let us know how it turned out!
Many parents know how treacherous those tiny little bricks can be. One step wrong step in bare feet will have you wincing in pain. If you’ve got a good supply of Legos and are crunched for time, this is an easy obstacle to execute.
The tunnel is a nice addition to any trap. It’s a great way to start for toddlers, but is equally fun for the later ages. Forcing the kids to get down on the ground and shimmy through a long, small space is sure to make them feel they are part of the mission impossible team.
The shower curtain rod provides an endless list of trapping possibilities. We used yarn, silverware, and metal measuring cups to create ...
If you've got a good sized stash of canned goods, and don’t mind hauling them off the shelves, this trap is very simple.
The ease of acquiring supplies and setting-up this obstacle makes this an ideal trap to incorporate. Simply scatter grocery sacks along the route, or in various places along the route. They are surprisingly noisy to move. For additional sneakiness....
My first trap was at 4 yrs old. I woke and found an ominous tower of brown paper bags between me and the Christmas tree.
Just as its name implies, the cup tower is a trap built by stacking cups to build a barricade. It's simple to build and simple for the youngest to navigate.
If you are looking for a great birthday surprise trap, look no further! This trap is so versatile and so much fun! It also works! If you choose the right area in your home, it is almost guaranteed to go off.