Hard Obstacles
Below is some information for hard obstacles. These obstacles are geared for escapees ages 10+ years old. Some posts include suggestions on adapting the difficulty rating of the obstacle. Click on the pictures below for details about setting that obstacle. Take photos of your trap, and let us know how it turned out!
This is a classic trap. Every cousin's family has had some variation of the Grinch stealing their Christmas. This was ours.
This is a great hunt for all ages. It is actually very simple to adapt to your home. Be patient with the explanation because I promise it really is easy and very fun (at least this puzzle lover thinks so).
Mouse trap buzzers are an easy contraption that can be used with a trip wire or tied to a door handle.
This is a tricky obstacle to pull off, but so worth it. If you are willing to take on the challenge here are the basics.
One important element of the trap is understanding what the escapees are experiencing. Because they cannot see what may be waiting for them in the dark, behind doors, or other barriers they will have to proceed with extreme caution using clues from their surroundings to determine what and where the trap is. So one tactic that the trappers can use is to leave misleading clues. We provide a few examples below.
Because it requires both quick thinking and quiet, stealthy moving, this trap can be by far the most memorable for your children.