Traps of Christmas Past: A Trap in Photos

You know the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words?" Here are some great photos from Matt's family! His kids are still pretty young, so these are great traps for the littles.

Christmas 2010: You don't realize how loud cookies sheets can be until you hear them crash in dead silence. 

Christmas 2010: You don't realize how loud cookies sheets can be until you hear them crash in dead silence. 

Christmas 2012: A clever way to add some difficulty to a classic cup tower. They had to deconstruct the tower through the hole, and then slither out through the bottom. 

Christmas 2012: A clever way to add some difficulty to a classic cup tower. They had to deconstruct the tower through the hole, and then slither out through the bottom. 

Christmas 2013: All those jingle bells! How do you keep them quiet? 

Christmas 2013: All those jingle bells! How do you keep them quiet? 

Christmas 2014: Simple, clever, and effective. 

Christmas 2014: Simple, clever, and effective. 

Any questions? We'd love to hear your comment below! And for you to send your pics after Christmas this year. 

Merry Trapping!